Modern Performance Appraisal Methods

Employee Performance Appraisals

Figure 1: Modern Performance Appraisal Methods

In organizations, employees are always looking for an opportunity for growth in terms of position and financial income. To ensure that each employee is given an equal opportunity to grow and improve productivity, organizations use Performance Appraisal methods.

In this context, traditional performance appraisal methods fail to address consistent and continuous reviews of employee performance. The annual performance appraisals most of the time focus on employees' past performances and do not have a proper communication system to provide employees with sufficient feedback. As result organizations have become more reliant on modern performance appraisal methods to evaluate their employees.

Modern Performance Appraisal Methods

1.     Management by Objectives(MBO)

Management by Objectives is an appraisal method in which managers and employees work together to identify, plan, organize, and communicate goals during a specific time period and these goals should be SMART. (possibleworks. com, 2022)     





T-Time sensitive

 Generally, in this method managers identifies the chosen objectives and give responsibility to each employee, and periodically discuss the progress made. The employer can use these data as a guide to evaluating the employees.

Steps in the MBO process. (, 2022)

·       Define organizational goals

·       Define employee objectives

·       Monitoring performance and progress

·       Performance evaluation

·       Providing feedback

·       Performance appraisal

                                                    Figure 2: Management by Objectives Process

                2. 360 Degree Feedback Method


360-degree feedback is considered a multidimensional way of evaluating employee performance and has become increasingly popular these days. This method focuses on collecting feedback from everyone the employee interacts with, including managers, colleagues, customers, and direct reports. This method eliminates the possibility of manager bias affecting performance evaluation and gives you a clearer picture of your employees' abilities related to their work. (, 2020)

Steps in 360-degree feedback method. (, 2020)

·       Self-Appraisals

·       Managerial reviews

·       Peer reviews

·       Subordinates appraising manager

·       Customer reviews

Figure 3: Steps in 360-degree feedback method

     3. Human Resource Accounting Method

This method is used to assess an employee's performance based on the financial benefits the employee brings to the organization. This suggests that the employee performance is compared to salaries and other costs that the company pays to employees.

In this context, the cost of retaining an employee in relation to contributions is evaluated to determine the cost of that employee to the organization. (possibleworks. com, 2022)


Using modern Performance appraisal methods such as above helps to build a positive work environment. Evaluating an employee's performance in a more realistic and meaningful way will make the employee happy with the job. And satisfied employees will do their best and contribute to the success of the company.

References, 2022. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 March 2022]., 2020. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 March 2022].
possibleworks. com, 2022. possibleworks. com. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 March 2022].


  1. Proper performance evaluation is essential to motivate and retain employees as well as to identify the employee's productivity. This article clearly describes performance evaluation techniques and the reader can get a good idea about the concept. All the Best!

    Dilini Karunaratne

  2. Hi Gayan
    Your article well describe about Modern performance Appraisal methods and the process.which benefit to the employee and the company simultaneously.Can grab lot of details .Well done.

  3. Performance base appraisals are required by any organization to identify and reward most valuable workers . Choosing the right modal depending on the nature of the organization is vital. You have well explained modern performance appraisal methods that can be use by companies. Good Luck

  4. Employee satisfaction has a direct impact on the overall performance of an organization. Therefore, it is very important to make a proper appraisal of the employees and provide benefits. you have well explained about that in your article . good luck

  5. This blog clearly explained about the modern appraisal method and the process. Good work đź‘Ť

  6. Appraisal is a keep factor which engages the employee with involvement. Nice touched on the points. Keep up the good work

  7. Modern performance assessment techniques help to create a happy work environment, and this blog clearly indicates that satisfied employees will do their best and contribute to the company's success. Well done.

  8. I agree on your comment. Performance evaluation is a very important for an Organization and it should not be evaluated partially. its not to be influenced by any one. If we can evaluate a person on correct path then we can improve the efficiency of the employees. You have well explain about the Performance evaluation.

  9. This is a very useful article on Performance Appraisal Methods every aspect of Performance Appraisal are defined well

  10. Performance appraisal is something that many employees of private companies look forward to. The increment, designations, promotions and extra benefits are key things which disturbs an employee at getting closer to the appraisal days. Immediate Supervisors having a friendly approach and providing a constructive feedback will definitely motivate and inspire employees to stick to the work regardless of appraisal ratings. Nice article.

  11. Using modern performance appraisal methods like the ones mentioned above aids in the creation of a positive work environment. Employees that are happy will work hard and contribute to the company's success. Your article is impressive. good luck.

  12. By looking at your blog anyone can get a detailed idea about employee performance appraisal. This was a good one to read. Nicely explained blog.


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