Artificial Intelligence’s Role in Human Resources

What is artificial intelligence?


                                                                              Figure 1: Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a technology that enables computers to learn from data and make or recommend decisions based on that data. Artificial intelligence may be used in a variety of ways in human resource management to streamline procedures and increase productivity (Northeastern University, 2020).

Among the many AI applications in the human resources sector, HR managers should anticipate seeing changes in,

1) Recruitment and onboarding.

AI can help employers find skilled people faster and more simply than ever before (futuresandcareers, 2021).

By maintaining a database of former applications, AI plays a crucial role in candidate rediscovery (futuresandcareers, 2021).

AI can speed up the application process by creating more user-friendly forms that job seekers are more likely to finish, lowering the number of applications that are abandoned (futuresandcareers, 2021).

2) Internal mobility and employee retention.

AI software may assess important indicators of employee success to identify people who should be promoted, resulting in increased internal mobility (futuresandcareers, 2021).

Employee retention can be improved through customized feedback surveys and employee recognition systems, and HR departments can now assess employee engagement and job satisfaction more effectively than ever before (futuresandcareers, 2021).

3) Administrative work automation.

AI technology can automate procedures like benefits administration, candidate pre-screening, interview scheduling, and more (futuresandcareers, 2021).

HR professionals have more time to contribute to organizational strategic planning by automating easily repeated administrative chores (futuresandcareers, 2021).


                                  Video 1: Artificial intelligence (media, bython, 2018).

Obstacles to AI adoption in HR

Lack of Skilled Talent.

Due to the limited availability of competent personnel on the technology needed to integrate HR processes, it can be extremely costly (Kapoor, Jyoti, 2022).

Privacy Concern.

Since HR data is very confidential, it must be kept safe. Incorporating HR operations using Artificial Intelligence, data security is a major concern (Kapoor, Jyoti, 2022).

Ongoing Maintenance.

Artificial Intelligence requires constant evaluations and upgrades, making it a time-consuming maintenance procedure (Kapoor, Jyoti, 2022)

Factors to consider in adopting AI in HR

Finding accurate data.

For optimal AI results, real-time and reliable data is important. Therefore gather the appropriate data first, and then make sure the output-driven goal is clear (Kapoor, Jyoti, 2022).

Using the most appropriate AI implementation.

AI technology is unlike any other IT system. Implementation necessitates specialized talents and approaches. Make sure to be specific when it comes to gathering the correct data sources, as well as cleaning and managing them (Kapoor, Jyoti, 2022).

Eliminate Bias.

AI can produce accurate and unbiased results. Therefore it is necessary to make sure data is accurate since AI will only do what you want it to do, not make decisions for you (Kapoor, Jyoti, 2022).


AI-based HR solutions have the potential to significantly increase employee productivity while also assisting HR practitioners in improving employee performance and experience. AI-powered HR solutions can assess, predict, and assist management in making decisions.


futuresandcareers, 2021. futuresandcareers. [Online] 

Available at:

[Accessed 24 April 2022].

Kapoor, Jyoti, 2022. CuteHR. [Online] 

Available at:

[Accessed 24 April 2022].

Northeastern University, 2020. Northeastern University. [Online] 

Available at:

[Accessed 24 April 2022].

media, bython, 2018. 3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Boost Human Resource Management. [Online]
[Accessed 2 April 2022].


  1. As explained in this article, artificial intelligence is a current trend followed by many organisations. This will provide efficient methods of recruiting, training & development and also it will increase productivity levels of employees. However there are limitations of using AI as discussed above. Good article. All the Best Gayan!

  2. HR organizations and departments hope to use AI to: automate their laborious operations. They use AI to improve talent acquisition, onboarding, talent management, and training to improve the employee and applicant experience. Good Article. Wish you all the best!

  3. Current trend is using artificial intelligence for the work places. Support of AI discussed in the article well.
    Good job

  4. You have Well explained the topic, The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence into Human Resources practices enables organizations to operate more efficiently and smoothly. HR departments can make better decisions, eliminate biases, and boost organizational productivity.well done.

  5. AI can speed up the process of the business operations, however in certain conditions like promoting employee based only on data can be risk and leadership requires certain qualities which cannot be integrated to the system.

  6. An article for the Future. Artificial intelligence will make a huge impact in the near future. Superb article.


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